Expression of Interest: Tūpuna Maunga Authority commercial operators framework – Maunga Tohu

This is a call for expression of interest applications to tender for exclusive tourism operations for Maungawhau / Mt Eden, Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill, Takarunga / Mt Victoria, and Maungauika / North Head.

The Tūpuna Maunga Authority will be implementing a tender process for Tier 3 tourism opportunities on these Maunga that attract the most tourism. The tender opened 31 July and closes 29 September, 5 pm. The tender documents can be accessed here. You can tender for an opportunity for one or more of the Maunga listed above.

Please note there is a link to the digital application linked on the tender document.


In 2022 the Tūpuna Maunga Authority approved the Maunga Tohu framework as the guide for assessing, monitoring, and authorising commercial activities on the Tūpuna Maunga. The Framework is designed to create opportunities for Mana Whenua involvement in commercial activities on the Maunga. When considering applications, the Authority must ensure that the health and well-being of the Maunga is not compromised and consider the cultural appropriateness of any proposed activities.

The Framework recognises that many of the Maunga are significant tourism destinations, in particular Maungawhau / Mt Eden, Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill, Takarunga / Mt Victoria, and Maungauika / North Head. While the tourism industry has been on hiatus during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are starting to see the return of tourism to the Maunga.

The Framework has a tiered system for assessing commercial acitivities on the Maunga. More information on the Maunga Tohu Framework including information on the Tier system can be found here.  The Tier 3 criteria is designed to assess high impact commercial activities and will likely include some of the premium tourism offerings. These will include guided tours on some of our most visited Maunga that attract the most international tourist mentioned above.

Management will be available from now until the end of the tender process to provide you with information, should you wish to apply or learn more about the process. If you would like to organise a hui to discuss these opportunities, please contact us at [email protected]