Assessing risk to the Maunga

Applicants for a Maunga Tohu must assess risk to the Maunga generated by their activity, and how such risk will be managed.

When we have processed your initial application we will advise you if we require you to conduct a risk assessment and supply it to us.

Please check if your activity requires a resource consent from Auckland Council. This is a separate process. A Maunga Tohu will not be approved prior to the issue of a resource consent, but you can apply while your resource consent application is being processed.

Risk categories

Cultural values

  • Mana Whenua cultural values e.g. risk of diminishing the mana of ngā Tūpuna Maunga by neglecting to use their traditional Māori names.
  • Mana Whenua associations e.g. risk diminishing the mana of an iwi or hapū by failing to acknowledge the collective ownership of ngā Tūpuna Maunga.


  • Lighting, compliance with the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) lighting standards
  • Litter (this may necessitate a Waste Management plan. You can refer to the format Auckland Council require for guidance)
  • Neighbours, including their privacy and amenity (qualities that make it pleasant and attractive)
  • Noise, compliance with the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) noise standards
  • Odour
  • Other users of the Maunga e.g. pedestrians
  • Signage, compliance with the Auckland Council Signage Bylaw 2015
  • Visual impact


NB: The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 makes it unlawful for any person to modify or destroy, or cause to be modified or destroyed, the whole or any part of an archaeological site without the prior authority of Heritage New Zealand.


  • Effects on vegetation
  • Effects on wildlife


  • Breakage
  • Erosion

Heritage buildings/features

  • Structural damage
  • Surface damage
  • Water damage


  • Water supply
  • Power supply
  • Waste processing


  • Access
  • Generation of extra traffic
  • Parking
  • Traffic visibility
  • Vehicle manoeuvring

Tūpuna Maunga risk assessment form

Download the Tūpuna Maunga risk assessment form template.